Time Management – helping kids get organized

Do you have trouble having your kids get things done whether it is cleaning their room or getting to guitar lessons on time? When you have family members with different schedules and needs, how can you simplify organizing your days so that these things get accomplished with a minimum of stress? What about getting help from the kids to make this easier?

I read an article that discussed an interesting way to help you and your kids schedule activities. There were several ways to approach this but the onet I found to be of most interest was writing down all of the activities that happen in a week (both chores and fun) on individual cards. Depending on what needs to happen on each day have the kids organize the order and when for each one. Their day would be scheduled according to their choices.

For younger kids work together picking out pictures of the activities from magazines or even the internet and put them in an album so they can easily flip through to see what to put on a particular day. It helps with power struggles you might be having with things that your child rebels against like taking a bath or brushing teeth. A photo of the activity placed in the album takes some of the ‘you can’t tell me what to do’ out of the chore. Working together makes it a combined effort instead of just telling them to do it. Sounds like a great way to make time management fun.

This entry was posted in Parenting Tips.

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