Monthly Archives: September 2014

Why Do Children Misbehave?

While it can sometimes feel like it, your children are not secretly plotting to take over the household for their own selfish purposes. Some parents feel powerless the first time their child acts contrarily to what mom wants. For others it happens at different stages, the well known terrible twos, the sullen pre-adolescent and let's not forget the disrespectful teen. Misbehavior can seem like a big Read more [...]
Posted in Parenting

Encouragement and Praise…Not the Same!

Understanding the Importance of Encouragement As parents, you hear a lot about a child's lack of confidence & low self esteem and that somehow it is your job to instill that in your children. But many parents go about this task and actually create a selfish, unmotivated and discouraged child instead of a child that has healthy self esteem. They do this by handing out continual praise and complements Read more [...]
Posted in Parenting

Is Punishment Necessary to Raise Good Kids?

As parents we must ask ourselves why we think punishment is a valid way to teach children how to grow into responsible adults. What does punishment foster in a child? If punishment really worked would you ever have to use it more than once? What does punishment, especially spanking do to a child's self esteem? And, if you don't punish, what do you do instead? Punishment instills fear and resentment. Read more [...]
Posted in Parenting

Using Logical and Natural Consequences…

Using consequences is the best discipline strategy to use in training children how to mange themselves, learn responsibility and be accountable for the choices they make. It relates to what you have probably heard from your parents growing up. 'Experience is the best teacher'. When you experience something it means much more to you than hearing or reading about it. Think about going skydiving. You Read more [...]
Posted in Parenting